Mar 4, 2010

Mandala Completed!

I have just received images of the second mandala to be completed in this project! If you'll remember, this mandala made an extra trip to and fro...and so when I got it back, I added the hanging device real quick. Artist Heather Gordy has sent along an explanation of what she did for this final round:

"It's painted with acrylics and water soluble crayons. Most of it is painted directly on the linen except for the added beetles. I first sketched the beetle using pencil. Then I scanned the picture and made the beetle into two different sizes and printed it out. I used the water soluble crayons, matte medium and iridescent paint to paint the four beetles. They were then applied on top of the purplely color circles. The entire painted area is finished with a semi gloss acrylic varnish."

Now let's take a look back at this mandala's humble beginnings...

Cycle 2, Round 1:

Shana R. Goetsch to Heather Gordy
Milwaukee, WI to Houston, TX

Cycle 2, Round 2:

Heather Gordy to Shana R. Goetsch
Houston, TX to Milwaukee, WI

Cycle 2, Round 3:

Shana R. Goetsch to Heather Gordy
Milwaukee, WI to Houston, TX

Cycle 2, Round 4:

Heather Gordy and Shana R. Goetsch

Mandala completed in Houston, TX

Completed in Texas...yeehaw!


Vag said...

such vibrant color.
and i love the little dudes!

shana goetsch said...

i am very pleased that it is so bright!
good job heather!

shana goetsch said...

the more i look at this, the cooler it seems. i so want to see it in person. (drawback#1)

Heather Gordy said...

It's even brighter in person. I have it hanging in my kitchen at the moment. The orange half of the circle painted around the dung balls makes me think of watermelon with seeds.

shana goetsch said...

they are always cooler in person, why is that? photography can't steal the soul of a painting? (a joke)

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Wow! It's awesome! I love the colors, the wings and the beetles a lot! :-)

Karin Bartimole said...

That is truly magnificent!!