Mar 24, 2011


Artist Heather Gordy gave the Art That Circles The Earth project a mention in this interview about her  by Rosanne Peña. COOL. Hopefully I can get all of these finished pieces into a show sometime soon and return the favor. Thanks Heather, and CONGRATS on a great interview!

Mar 17, 2011

Gettin There!

I got mail from Holland! The exchange has finally been made and received!

Momo Luna has used objects as well as papers to create this round. The "world heads" are very cool, and she cut the entire piece out from its background, which will make for some interesting reconstructions by me again. In the piece that was sent to Momo Luna, I used fabric and string to make the snakes and alternately, the hints of their movement...enjoy!

Cycle 5, Round 3

Moma Luna to Shana R. Goetsch
Arnhem, Gelderland, Holland to Baltimore, MD, USA

Shana R. Goetsch to Moma Luna
  Baltimore, MD, USA to Arnhem, Gelderland, Holland

 And now it's final round time! I love me a good final round.