Dec 21, 2009

Celtic Mandala/Triad

"Celtic Mandalas, with their special content from the art of the ancient Celts, invariably have a dual-dimensional format, relating to the belief that it is possible to travel from the earthly realm into the Otherworld of Celtic legend."

This is an excerpt from medieval magic, which you should check out because it goes into details about each, basic, Celtic Mandala pattern.

Incidentally, one of the examples of a Celtic Mandala, the Triad, originally came from Asia. It was an ancient oriental symbol representing the 'world soul'. Later on, it was adopted by the West, and is still considered the mandala of Catholicism: 'father, son, and holy ghost'. (However, I prefer the older, Druid Threefold meaning of 'maiden, mother, crone'.) This symbol is also currently used by the US Department of Transportation. Really.

AND, I found free Celtic Mandala coloring pages from (all in pdf format, just scroll down near the bottom of the page, and download) ENJOY.

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